Saturday, November 13, 2010

Blogs, diet, late night TV, Noah's arc, Gaga...wait, huh?

Sooo....three weeks?!?! I know, I know. Uh, I KNOW!

So, what's happened you ask? Well, besides picking up a couple very exciting things: the Lauren Conrad Style book, a new dark grey pair of Nike's with neon pink laces,  two $5 earring sets from Wallys (one set had 8 gold hoops in different sizes, SCORE. I wear hoops like every-freakin-day), and the new Taylor Swift CD (AWESOME!!!); I have been, well, just kind of blah.

{Enter Storm Cloud}

In all honesty, I've kind of jumped off the dieting cliff and gone into super fat mode again, eating forbidden items, and put rather simply, rebelling just for the mere satisfaction of breaking a few rules. Problem is [curse], I'm breaking my own rules and then feeling horrible about it later--I mean like saw-at-my-wrist-with-a-dull-butter-knife--bad, jump-off-a-cliff--bad, bad, bad, bad--bad. (Disclaimer, because I know some of you very logical people need to hear it: Sometimes I use dark humor to describe situations of my own pathetic lowliness. I do not cut myself. Nor do I condone such a thing; And for that matter, I would not jump off a cliff either. ) 

Food is the devil. Forreal people! Food is the devil. Yes, the devil. The devil. Yes. (Are you scared? lol. You should be. Very. Mwhahahaha!)

While my sanity is still very much in tact, I think the past few weeks have stirred me up. There is a saying that "when it rains, it pours", and ain' it the truth sister?!?

The other night, I was up at a strange hour when TV shows turn into full-hour-advertisements.  I was watching this random channel when some unknown author came on to present archeological and historical evidence to support various Biblical references.

As I worked on one of my papers, I caught bits and pieces of the segment. At one point the man talked about the great flood and the archeological findings to support the fact that there was such an event. (I swear there's a point to this stream of thought.)

"Just stay a little longuh."
"Okay Jenny, I'll stay."

Yes, so where was I....last blog, diet, late night TV, Noah's arc.....Yes! Okay, so the man went on to explain that Noah was prepared by the Lord for a flood, and although Noah had never seen such an event, he did not question the Lord. Instead he prepared. He built an arc. He gathered two of every animal on Earth. He obeyed! (*Good boy. Love a man who can follow directions. *jab)

Well, in short (I realize my blog isn't really that short, but...), like Noah did, we all need to prepare for, metaphorically speaking, a flood.

This man, wise author that he was, suggested we all get our lives in order. Yes, organization. Since there are times that sneak up on us and cause mass chaos, we need to get things in order. I am a total D-BAG when it comes to organization. I want to be super organized; desperately, I want to be an organized gal, but I SUCK (for lack of a better word) at keeping things from becoming chaotic.

And, going back to the annoying struggles of my stupid diet (or let's face it, "lack of"), I think I need to get myself back on track by getting organized--hands totally dirty (Uh-gin!) Hate cleaning though. Seriously. Ugggg. **Is it deja vu or um, have I already blogged about organization and cleaning? See, I'm frickin' un-frickin-organized. Man-oh-man-oh-man.

So, Sunday, Funday? Nope, not tomorrow. Tomorrow, the house is undergoing a make-over. The bills are getting filed and/or put on the calendar. The kids summer clothes are getting put in the basement in bins. And, I am going to plan out my meals for the week; all this in an attempt to prepare for a terrential down pour. I'm also going to get out my course syllabi out and get my assignment calendar up--this way I won't have to spend a zillion hours Sunday night doing homework. (Yep, I'm 'that' person. Judge away.)

Once that is finished, I can start to focus again.

I read in Rolling Stone that every morning when Lady Gaga wakes up, she looks in the mirror and says to herself, "B****, you're Lady Gaga, you get up and walk the walk today!" I love the fact that she is starting her day reiterating that she is in control of herself, and she will do what it takes to 'walk the walk'. (Love Gaga.)It's powerful to have that inner strength and control. I am addicted to the feeling of accomplishment that is a result of that inner strength.

So, tomorrow, well...shoot, it is today...

Today is a brand new day, I'm going to get it back together today because you never know what tomorrow brings.

"B****, I'm Amanda Wilson, and I'm going to walk the walk today."

"As a culture, we tend to kill things we don't understand."

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