Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I won't be defeated by you, gas pump!

True Story.

A few days ago I was minding my business, cursing under my breath (as usual) at the gas pump when a man walked up and asked if I had a good sense of humor. Well, duh...so then he asks if he can "pump me!" Absurd? Yes. Completely.

"A good sense of humor?" Riiiight. Is that what I needed? I was thinking the right question for him might have been, "Are you carrying a loaded weapon" or "Do you possess any homicidal tendencies?"

Well, I laugh that OMG-who-are-you laugh and he proceeds to pump my gas while telling me how "beautiful" I am, and what "phenomenal legs" I have, and how great my high heels are.

Thank the Lord, and I mean that in a very sincere way, my dad called when he did because the compliments, while nice, were starting to get really kind of inappropriate--at least for the Sheetz parking lot! Anyway, I pounced on the phone, did a little thanks-for-pumping-me wave and jumped back into the SUV--with my phenomenal legs =)

On the way home, I couldn't wait to tell Jay about it. I knew he would be panting like a dog to hear that his wifey was getting picked at the gas pump. Uh...not so much.

I got home. Told the story. Retold the story in ESPN highlight fashion and quoted the man for the rest of the night. Jay was less than thrilled, but me and my phenomenal legs were amused all the same.

I've been thinking about boycotting gas stations lately and really taking a stand against the borderline inappropriate pick-up lines that men pumping gas construct. Who needs gasoline anyway. *Spit

With that said, I need to get off this computer in time to see the finale of Teen Mom.

<3 Amanda "the beautiful"


  1. OMG Amanda that is hilarious! I can totally see this happening :) Poor Jay, he is probably like this guy better not trying anything funny with you. Maybe this happened for a reason...now Jay might make sure he personally fills your tank for you every week...hah.hah good thinking!

  2. Well, at least he was educated enough to use such vocabulary as "phenomenal"...could be worse right? LOL. In all seriousness, what a creep. Also, don't you dare blog about the Teen Mom finale...I haven't seen it and I'll be forced to UNfollow you should any highlights of the show become public. <3

  3. @Tammy-great point! Haha..I need to take Jay along to the gas station. I'm not that good at pumping gas anyway!

    @Trace--It was good.
