Monday, October 18, 2010

Getting back to business.

Hello. Hello. Hello.

What a week this has been--I know, I know, it's Monday and no one wants to hear crap on a Monday; but OMG!

I need fire. I need lights. Smoke. Fireworks. Thunder. Lighting. Divine intervention. Something.

I actually don't know exactly what I need, but I need something to get my non-motivated-eating-every-thing-in-sight self back on the path to success.

So, in an effort to obtain that control back again, I'm going to commit to three very important things this week: 1.) Wear something cute and dress up every day; 2.) Step up the working out to 4-4am days; and 3.) Well, number three is private (but don't you wish you knew?!)

I'm going to step it up this week and Saturday, I will be rewarded with shopping and sushi. (I'm sure Mom will be thrilled.)

Have a fantastic week.

(The Game Face)