Saturday, October 2, 2010


Hi. My name's Amanda and I'm a blogger.

Actually, I have never blogged a day in my life--but today's a new day and thanks to Carolyn's Tsjuzzing It Up, I have become suber (super+uber) excited to start a blog of my own--"to tell the truth about [Amanda Wilson]" and to pass on the pure wisdom that is a direct result of my very-ruthless-yet-most-of-the-time-muy-productive insomnia.

So...let's do this.

My latest addiction, besides Rock Star Energy Drinks and beef jerky (*bark), is going to the gym at 4am to run, pump up like a freakin' champ, and divulge in fashion and gossip magazines. Turns out...I have gotten rather fond of the 80s'esque trends trying to weasle their over-the-top way back into the...wait what are we calling this new decade....the twenty-teens?

According to Lauren Conrad (love the girl): Stacking jewelry, a frilly/girly knit vest, and very tall (like knee or above) boots are the essentials for the fall season. So, with that in mind--because we all listen to Lauren Conrad--I set off on a mission for those things, along with a few others from (**!) Marie Claire's spectacular July edition (Taylor Swift was on the front--I couldn't resist.)

If you know me well, then you know (like Carolyn) I can't resist a bargain. I love to thrift shop and LOVE to find crazy good deals. SO..with toned-down-refined-80's fashion in mind I hit the three most excellent bargain stores around: Salvation Army/Winchester (crazy good selection), Past and Present II/Winchester (antique and junk heaven), and Gabriel Brothers/Winchester (Outlet store for random stores and designers.)

I came out with a bundle as usual. Check out a few of my favorites:

                                              **My favorite of all--SUPER cute! And, $3.99!!!!
                                                        **Love this one too. So pretty! $6.99

                              **I have an addiction to buying costume jewelry. Awesome stackable! $1.00
                                                       **LOVE! $1.00

                                                      **These earrings are so big. $1.00

(Three other dresses didn't photograph well.)

While my search for knee high boots is still on, I was very excited with my finds. I can't WAIT to wear all my new dresses and stacked jewelry.

In total, I spent around $50--but that included a $22 white bamboo/glass top table and two chairs that I got at a yard sale on the way back home. (It's going to need some tsjuzzing up for sure--but that's for another blog.)

I hope you liked my first blog! Get your boots back here for more...and for heavens sake subscribe and follow me. I need to look cool (mission in life.)



  1. Amanda,
    I will be certain to follow your blog. It was fun reading about the shopping trip. I love to shop too. Take me with you sometime.

  2. Yay!!! I am SO excited that you FINALLY started one! I promise to be a regular reader! Adding you to my Fav's right now:)
